This is part 29 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!
I never liked the saying, popular in my country of origin, that one ought to stop when things are at their best. But now that the challenge is coming to an end, I'm beginning to understand this idea more and more. And I'm wondering what it is that's making me press on and write. Even today, when it's raining outside and I feel exhausted and have dinner to make. How do I know that it's not just the ego wanting to reach that goal? Why is it important to have the 29th post published?
God knows I needed this consistency and yes, this achievement, too. But perhaps it's time to grow past that... I want to do everything with love. From my heart... reaching the hearts of others. Because how else can you reach them? So, if today I can't write from heart, and I actually feel it, in my chest, begging me for a minute of stillness and silence, a little private talk, together, maybe I ought to do that instead. To catch a breath.
Today my message is simple: stop and catch your breath. You don't have to do everything. Don't believe that voice in your head telling you that you do. Love yourself enough to rest, meditate and do at least one of the things that make you happy. You know, those things you've been putting at the end of your list, because, well, they're "just" for pleasure, they bring "only" plain, simple joy.
You deserve that.
You're meant to enJOY your life.
If your heart tells you to rest, allow yourself to do just that.
How are you going to enjoy your life today?
Agreed! Its so easy to overbook, and overextend and just drudge through life!