Thursday, 16 October 2014

Led By Heart: 6 ways of reconnecting with your heart

This is part 16 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

I don't know about you but I find that often the most important things in life are also the simplest. Despite our ceaseless effort to complicate everything, and to create problems where there are none, the simple truths are almost always the most valuable ones. I truly believe that in order to lead a happy life and to be free to follow our calling, we need to be led by our heart, and make decisions based on its quiet guidance.

It is through the heart that we can connect to whatever we believe is watching over us, guiding us, to what we really are. As much as we may try, it's impossible to find all the answers in our mind, to 'figure everything out' by thinking and reasoning. Although following the heart could be a step in the unknown, and it will mean, a lot of the times, a huge leap of faith, in the end it will for all of us feel like coming back home.

Heart is where Love resides in us, and decisions based on Love will always prove to be the best for everyone involved. I see this as a universal law. Because after all, at least to me, Love is God. And I want to do what He puts on my heart to do, and go where He leads me.

The 6 steps that I'm about to offer you here are all very simple. They might seem too simple to be true. And I guess that's a good sign.

#1 be alone from time to time
Learn to appreciate and make the most of solitude. Every so often spend some time in quiet meditation or contemplation. Sometimes taking a leisurely walk and being surrounded by nature is more than enough. Don't be afraid of your own thoughts or feelings, instead, try to accept them without judgement and then let them go. Slowly but surely this practice will lead to your greater concentration and awareness, which means you'll be able to discern much more easily where your guidance is coming from (the heart or the mind).

#2 be kind to yourself

This is so obvious, yet how often we fail to do just that. Be your own best friend. Treat yourself kindly and with compassion, accept responsibility for how you feel and what you're creating in your life. Forgive yourself. Take good care of yourself, listen to your body and what it needs. Kindness is one of the keys to opening every heart; your own, too.

#3 do more of what makes you happy

What makes you happy? I mean you. If nobody was watching, if you could do anything...  I bet a lot of us don't even think about it, we just don't really know. Because somewhere along the way we've adopted the expectations, the 'usual' approach and the 'common' perceptions of happiness. But what does it mean specifically to you
If you want, write it down, make a list! Remember what you used to love doing as a child, what your dreams were. Plan for it if you must. Put it in your schedule: make myself happy today.

#4 follow your intuition

This is your heart's voice - don’t underestimate it! Listen to it, wait till you hear it before you make a decision, and believe it! Summon the courage to do what it’s telling you. Yes, it can be scary, uncomfortable, even illogical. Because, let's be honest, from the point of view of this world, Love could seem illogical and unreasonable, it just exists and doesn't ask why. Have faith in yourself and your inner wisdom. The more you'll tune your perception to it, the more distinctive its voice will become.

#5 consider journaling

... or creating in any way as a means of giving vent to your feelings. I like writing and drawing/colouring mandalas. It's important not to censure yourself and to try and keep your mind 'switched off' in the process. Through this practice, you'll be able to gradually release all the greyness that's been lying heavy on your heart. Exercise or dancing helps unwind and tune in as well.

#6 embrace your vulnerability

... and that of others, too. That's what allows us to truly connect to each other and to our hearts. To me, it is also where our real beauty and humanity shows itself. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable and to express yourself and speak from your heart, say what you need to say and when you need to. It may be a slow journey, as your fear could be great, but it's also one that is most rewarding and worthwhile. You can take this path one little step at a time, opening up a bit more each day. 
You have what it takes!

I would love to hear what you do to reconnect with yourself. What practice have you found the most helpful?

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  1. I love your list! They seem simple, but as a mom, they can be incredibly challenging. I do feel cut off from doing the simple things that I enjoy when there is always more waiting on my to do list. I know I have to start scheduling those things, like reading, rather than waiting for that magical day when I have "free time". Thanks for sharing this!

    1. I love that you mentioned 'not waiting for the magical day when I have time', Deirdre, that is so true! the time to do what makes us happy can be every day! and yes, it does help to schedule it ;)

  2. Finding time to be alone can be SO difficult in this day and age. This is a great list; thank you! :)

    1. you're most welcome, Alexandra! thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. Love this so much! With social media and our internet-surfing phones, it's hard to be truly alone. I love the idea of journaling and have done it on and off for the past few years, but you've reminded me to get back to it. Thanks, friend!!

    1. awesome, Daisy! so so glad that you liked my post and have found it helpful!
      you're right, it's hard to be truly alone these days, also because of all the family/relationships responsibilities...
      journaling is so useful - I'm often taken aback with all the things that are actually going on in my head :D it's good to see them written down as it gives us a chance to change our thinking, too!
