Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Your life is important

This is part 28 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

That's right, your life is important.

You and your life matter.

Did you know that? Do you know that? Do you live that?

I know I used to listen to people sharing their grand dreams or talking about how they've created something wonderful and helped lots of people, and I used to think "Well, that's awesome, but that's THEM. They could do it. People like them - whatever that means - can do things like that." But somehow I never included myself in "their" category. I viewed my life as little and isolated and, yes I can just say it, insignificant. My little life, my little self, doing my little thing, nothing that important really... But believing this is believing a lie.

When you think of it, this attitude is simply irresponsible. It can lead to idleness, lots of wasted opportunities and ultimately a life of regrets. I've said it before and here it comes again: you have a destiny to fulfill! You've been given certain gifts and abilities so that you could USE them; the most important one being your ability to LOVE. So claim your responsibility for it. All of your gifts, everything. Share it, spread it, give it freely, create some more!

And if you're still wondering, no, I'm not saying that we should just all come up with some ambitious scheme to change the world.

But we have to realize that it all starts with each and every one of us. And I've met far too many wise, insightful, loving and caring people who were constantly playing it small, not believing in themselves and in all of those amazing things they had to offer. And so they could have become true pillars of their family and their community, but they viewed themselves as little. One thing you have to keep in mind: if you don't believe in yourself, nobody will.

Don't waste it. Whatever it is that you have to share, to contribute. Don't waste it. And yes, I'm talking to YOU! You are not by any means excluded from this. If you think there's nothing in you good enough or worth sharing, I urge you to think again. Can you love? Can you help? Can you listen? Can you care? Then you have the exact qualities this world needs most.

Do you know that God wants you to be His agent? He wants you to extend His love and blessings to as many people as possible. You can work undercover if you want. But know that if He thinks you have what it takes (which He does), you HAVE what it takes!

By acknowledging that your life matters, you acknowledge that for others, too. You can make a difference; if you don't know where to start, simply ask for guidance, trust that still small voice within you. Know your gifts and dare to use them. Dare to aspire to something greater. Whatever 'greater' means to you.

So, what does it mean to you?

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  1. I don't necessarily agree with you in entirety, although I do get what you're saying. I'm one of those people who prefers to do things behind the scenes, helping in small ways. Could I become a pillar of my community? Definitely. But I don't necessarily *want* that. Perhaps the people who prefer to stay small are the same way, happy to do things quietly, with only small tokens of appreciation, and who hate the spotlight - which is what being a pillar of the community requires. :)

    Blessings to you,

  2. Beautiful post. For me it means authentically sharing my story -- the good, the bad and the ugly -- through my writing and talking to people. It also means helping people who are hurting and broken.

  3. When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I was devastated, I remember saying to God - I finally know who you are...and now I can't do anything for you? And, it is as if God said - watch me. And a year later that story appeared in a book that was just released called - Your Life Still Counts! To me, this means that even when we don't feel we are "up to par" God can use us for His glory. There are people we can touch with our stories.

  4. Great post. Very inspiring. Thanks for writing. It was just what I needed to hear tonight.

  5. Love this! If we are fulfilling God's purpose in our life we ARE changing the world, be it big small or other.
