Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Led By Heart: there's time for everything

This is part 8 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

Today was hard for me. I kept struggling with time, always falling behind what I thought was my schedule. I tried to persuade it to slow down and give me a few more minutes. I wished I would make more of my day.

Days like this... I know them too well.

And then I finally dropped everything to sit in silence with Him for a while and ask for guidance. I felt nervous and heartsick and there was that flood of harshness in my head getting ready to deluge me. But then I saw an image in my heart, of a woman strolling quietly and slowly in a blossoming orchard. No haste, no worries, no agitation. There was a sense of deep peace, a peace of knowing that there's a perfect time for everything. And every minute is precious and has its own beauty.

I once read a beautiful piece of wisdom saying that when you put the most important things first, there's time for everything.

I often forget that. I do everything else and everything else and everything else but that thing my heart keeps whispering to me about. Priorities... how often they elude us as we become trapped between what we think we should be doing and what we really want to do. So many distractions in today's world. But the heart won't be silenced, it'll always be waiting on us.

So, let's look at that schedule one more time. This is my precious day, my hours and my minutes. My life.

Dear heart, what do you want me to do next?

Time... our perpetual teacher. Here you'll find my tips on how to start using time wisely, and here's my reflection on the struggle of making the most of it.

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  1. I'm glad you spent time with God and asked for His guidance. It's a matter of arranging our priorities in the right order. When the priorities are not in order, our lives are out of order. When we put God first in our lives, we'll discover that all other pieces of the life puzzle will fall into place. God is the One who gives us time. I like to ask Him what He would like me to accomplish each day. I want to use my time (and talents and treasures) for His glory and for His kingdom.

    ~Urailak (Fruit Bearer on Facebook)

  2. I love Matthew 6.33 - it is such a good verse for this.
