Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Choose by your heart...

This is part 22 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

If people were to take just one piece of wisdom from this series, I would like it to be this:

Do what your heart tells you. Think less, feel more.

And you may think But I can't go about my life without the logical thinking, without my reason. And I am here to tell you that you have a great source of wisdom within you that can get you through anything, any amount of difficulties, any dilemma or setback. If you believe in some sort of Higher Power, you surely know that It doesn't communicate with us through our mind. No, it's the heart. Always.

But can you trust it?

Consider this: from all the decisions you've ever made in your life, the ones based on logical assessment, calculation, (over)thinking, discussing the options with others, writing down pros and cons, taking into account what's "more common" or "normal"... and the ones when you followed that inner nudge and somehow you knew that you should do it that particular way, but you couldn't explain why... which ones turned out to have been leading to your happiness (and everyone else's, too)?

I would like to share with you one of my favourite quotes from Osho. May it inspire you to dare to follow your heart's calling.

Have you ever dared to follow your heart fully? How did it turn out for you?

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  1. I have a really hard time NOT over-thinking everything, including my walk with God. I'm a very "thinking based" person. (Have you ever taken one of the "Briggs-Meyer" personality tests? Check it out over here I'm an INTJ.) So sometimes I do need to just go for it. Get over my fear and just follow God!

  2. I think of this as listening to the "still, small voice." :) Thanks for sharing your heart today.

  3. My counselor told me I need to trust my gut more years ago. Typically when I do, it is the right decision. I have intuition. I have knowledge in my heart. It's true. It is valuable.
