Wednesday 1 October 2014

31 Days of Being Led By Heart - Day 1

Today could have been just one those pathless days. Perhaps you know them, too. A day that seems to go by in a blink of an eye, a day spent doing various chores and task, yet none of them really important or satisfying, all of them feeling like they are merely keeping me from doing what my heart craves. Whatever that is. A day which, when I'll reach its end, will appear unfulfilled, a tiny bit hollow, fruitless. And then, in my bed, staring at the thickening darkness behind the window, thinking and promising to myself that tomorrow I will do more, I will find it and get back to it - my path, I will try to tune in to my heart and listen...

Because that's what happens so often, all those obligations, those to-do lists, the possibilities and other peoples' paths become louder than everything else. I've been told more than once in my life that the world is my oyster; I can amount to anything, I'm young, clever... But it seems that I still haven't been able to find out what that special thing I should amount to is. All I know is that it's there. Sometimes I can sense it, its presence, with acute inevitability, other times I feel completely and utterly lost. Isn't it the most terrifying thing sometimes, those endless possibilities? Or at least the idea of them... Could it be, that this idea alone is just a distraction? A means of deafening me, blinding me, making my head spin? I know it's there, my path, and I also know that it's not what I've ever imagined it to be, it winds and turns and goes up and descends again, always waiting for me to take the next step, always ready, hopeful, open to anything.

Just another pathless day. This one is not. I am accepting a challenge - to write and create every single day of October. Part of me is now giving me all kinds of reasons why there's no way I will complete it. Part of me is saying This is your chance! And it is also my choice, a one I'll have to make every day again and again. 

I would like this to be an account of a journey with the wisest of guides, my heart, a journey of finding my Self, of simple happiness and the joy of taking small steps. 

It's not supposed to be all gloomy and heavy, but it might be at times. It's not supposed to be all cheerful and gritted-teeth-positive, but it could be, too. Most of all, I want it to be authentic and written as message of a heart to other seeking and learning hearts out there. I hope we could connect, at least in spirit, along the way.

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